teaching team

Kevan Grinwis

Kevan (along with his wife, Jamie) founded DCC in 2012 after having served the local church for over 10 years as a worship leader and pastor. He serves DCC as a part of the Senior Leadership Team, the Executive Team, and the Finance Team. Kevan is deeply passionate about music and all forms of worship and, as such, is honored to be a part of leading the Music Department along with his wife, Jamie, and a team of amazing people. He ministers to DCC in many ways both on Sundays and otherwise, from large groups to one on one, and as a part of the Teaching Team, cherishes every opportunity to encourage and inspire people to live in the fullness of sonship as imitators of Christ in everyday life.

Kris Chayer

Kris and his wife, Lisa, have been pillars at DCC for several years, serving in many roles. He is part of the Senior Leadership Team, the Executive Team, the Finance Team, and ministers frequently as part of the Teaching Team. Kris is dynamic and always encouraging as he purposes to lead people into a deeper truth of who they are in Christ and how to walk with Kingdom purpose in everyday life. Kris also works heavily with many of DCC's ministry leaders, encouraging, equipping, and empowering them, as well as working with couples (along-side his wife, Lisa) and individuals.  

Jamie Grinwis

Jamie (along with her husband, Kevan) founded DCC in 2012 after serving the local church in many ways for several years. She serves DCC as a part of the Senior Leadership Team and helps in a variety of areas. She is a gifted musician and a passionate worshipper, is a part of the Creative Team, and leads the Music Department along with her husband, Kevan, and a team of wonderful folks. As a part of the Teaching Team, she is engaging, honest, and challenging, always intentional about equipping men and women to live as their own authentic selves, following Christ, and growing in transformation.

lisa chayer

Lisa and her husband, Kris, have been instrumental leaders at DCC for many years, blessing our church family in many ways. She is part of the Senior Leadership Team and also serves by leading our Women's Ministry (Radiant Women) along with a wonderful team of ladies. As a part of the Teaching Team, she is inspirational and engaging, with a deep love of the Scriptures and a fire for the things of the Spirit. In addition to being involved on Sunday mornings, she also frequently ministers to couples with her husband, Kris.


Mary Tobias

Mary is gifted with an amazing love for people and a desire to serve and help in any way necessary. She faithfully serves as an assistant for the Senior Leadership, Executive Team, and Finance Team and is the go-to person for many things, maintaining all of DCC’s financial recording and reporting as well as supporting other admin functions. She and her husband, Dave, also lead DCC’s Deacon Ministry, serving and ministering to the needs of individuals and families at DCC and beyond.

Suzy Parrott

Suzy has a heart for the CHURCH, the Bride of Christ, and uses her gifts of administration and leadership to support God’s Kingdom work at DCC. She is gifted in the development and oversight of operational policies and procedures and serves with a sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and prayerful discernment in order to lovingly strengthen and support all areas of life at DCC.

Nathaniel Camfferman

Nathaniel is very passionate about music, especially when it comes to worship and has had a long time goal and vision to serve the Church in a leadership role that harnesses this passion! He strives for excellence when it comes to worshiping the Lord and works to support and unify DCC's Music Program while remaining focused on creating and cultivating an atmosphere of worship, worshipping the Lord extravagantly, and leading others into the presence of God. Utilizing his gifts, talents, and calling, Nathaniel is a major contributor to the worship culture at DCC and to DCC's overarching WIN for every gathering which is to facilitate encounters with God that draw people deeper into healthy Kingdom family.

Sean Louis Silva

Sean has been involved in film production and audio engineering for over 22 years, 10 of those years spent touring as a guitarist and songwriter in a Christian rock band. From Hollywood to the stage, he is passionate about two things, his family, and using his talents to share with anyone and everyone, the joy, love, grace and freedom that is found in Jesus

Senior leadership Team

The leadership of DCC functions based on the belief in a plurality of Elders. As such, our Senior Leadership Team is made up of a group of Elders (both men and women) who serve, lead, and pastor DCC together. Within that team, we maintain a non-hierarchal, de-centralized leadership structure, honoring the gifts that the Lord has deposited in each of us, and submitting to the Spirit of Christ in those with whom we serve. 

Kevan & Jamie Grinwis

Kris & Lisa Chayer

Tim & Amy Mannard

Dan & Barb Grinwis

Ben & Lori Craymer