Starry Night | Dan Grinwis

Mar 6, 2022    Dan Grinwis

In Scripture, the concept of ‘sainthood’ carries a connotation of being set apart to be different, distinct, dedicated, other than the rest; that is what holiness is about. In Leviticus 11:44, God tells His people to be holy as I am holy. Both the Apostle Peter, and the writer to the Hebrews repeat this mandate; it is apparently important; holiness is to be part of our identity. Being holy means to be living a life that is in stark contrast with the world in which you find yourself, to be living counter-culturally, like points of light against the backdrop of a darkened world. Saints are not saints because of the way they live; they live like they do because they have been declared to be saints. On Sunday, we’ll talk a while about what Jesus means when He says that we are to be light in this dark world.